Level Frames #78-85
I create picture frames from old wooden levels. The final size of each is inevitably odd and directly relates to the original length of the level. The new frames have turn buttons on the back so that the user can customize the picture inside. These particular frames were exhibited at Blue Spiral 1 in downtown Asheville as part of Utilitarian: Tool Show, which ran from March 8 - April 27, 2019.
Level Frame #85 / 2019 / Old wooden level, glass, hardware / 16" x 15.5" x 1.5"
Level Frame #84 / 2019 / Old wooden level, glass, hardware / 13" x 17" x 1"
Level Frames #78-82 / 2019 / Old wooden levels, glass, hardware / Dimensions range from 9.5” x 9.5” x 1.5” to 11.5” x 9.5” x 1.5”